
Social Contribution Activity Policy

The CMP Group recognizes the critical importance of contributing to society through both its core business activities and engagement with local communities.

Guided by our basic sustainability policy, we are committed to ensuring a harmonious coexistence with the communities surrounding our business sites, supporting regional development, and promoting environmental, educational, and cultural initiatives.

We will pursue efforts aimed at benefiting local communities in accordance with the following policies.

1. Contributing to Local Communities

We will honor the cultures and traditions of local communities while contributing to regional development through locally grounded initiatives. Meanwhile, we will strive to foster a corporate culture that encourages and supports volunteer activities and other forms of societal participation among our employees.

2. Environmental Conservation

We will continue to undertake activities aimed at protecting and nurturing our natural environment, with the goal of establishing a society in which humans and nature can peacefully coexist.

3. Social Welfare

We will facilitate the achievement of a health-oriented society by supporting child development and the improvement of local social welfare systems.

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