Procurement policy
In line with its basic sustainability policy to realize its management philosophy, the CMP Group conducts procurement activities with suppliers based on the following policies.
1. Open and fair trade
The CMP Group constantly seeks to create business opportunities with new business partners. We decide on business partners fairly by comprehensively evaluating quality, price, delivery schedule, reliable supply, and technical services.
2. Compliance
n its procurement activities, the CMP Group complies with all relevant laws, regulations, and social norms, and takes appropriate actions in consideration of morals and human rights.
3. Mutual trust and mutual development
Through fair and honest procurement activities, the CMP Group builds relationships of mutual trust with suppliers and strengthens the relationships for mutual development.
4. Preserving the global environment by reducing environmental impact
In order to contribute to environmental preservation through procurement activities, the CMP Group considers CSR assessment and ISO 14001 certification when selecting suppliers, and aims to contribute to society throughout the supply chain.
5. Appropriate management system for confidential information
The CMP Group appropriately manages confidential information obtained through procurement activities and strives to prevent leakage.