CMP Group Human Rights Policy
The CMP Group has established a management philosophy of “contributing to the achievement of a sustainable society through our business activities and enhancing the prosperity of all stakeholders,” and positioned the fulfillment of a broad range of social responsibilities to stakeholders as a management priority.
Based on this management philosophy, we are committed to respecting the human rights of all stakeholders affected by the business activities of the Group.
1. Compliance with international human rights laws and norms
The Group is committed to respecting human rights as defined by the International Bill of Human Rights and the International Labour Organization (ILO)’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, and complies with the relevant laws and regulations applicable in each country and region of its operation. To implement our commitment to human rights, we have established this policy based on the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
2. Respecting human rights through business activities
The Group does not engage in any type of discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, creed, or any other personal characteristics, or in any way infringe on human rights in its business activities. We will mitigate and prevent any adverse impacts on human rights in our business activities, and fulfill our responsibility to respect human rights by strictly adhering to our compliance manual and various policies. We expect our supply chain and business partners to support this policy, and ask that they respect human rights.
3. Human rights due diligence
Through its mechanism for human rights due diligence established in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the Group identifies any adverse impacts on human rights and strives to prevent or mitigate them.
4. Remedies
If the business activities of the Group have been shown to have caused or are suspected to have been indirectly involved in causing any adverse impacts on human rights, we will take appropriate actions to remedy such impacts.
5. Education and dialogue
The Group is committed to ensuring that this policy is incorporated into and effectively implemented in its business activities by continuing to provide appropriate education and training to all its officers and employees. Further, in implementing our commitment to human rights, we will engage in dialogue not only internally but also with relevant stakeholders to appropriately address any issues that may arise.
6. Information disclosure
The Group will disclose the progress and results of its human rights initiatives on its website and through other channels.